Dear Sir
Have a Nice day
We would like to inform you that we are the manufacturer and supplier of pet food
Please check out herewith attached some card of our pet food products specially DOG CHEWS
Buffalo Horns 100% Natural, these are rich in minerals and hours of chewing for fun your dog
We make and supply Animal By products for Dog Chew
?Water Buffalo Horns
Large Horn (Weight 300 gm + )
Medium Horn (Weight 240 gm + )
Small Horn (Weight 150 gm + )
?Dried Gullet 6" +
?Dried Paddywack
?Bully Sticks , Bull Pizzle
?Buffalo Tail Dried
?Dried Beef Ears
?Dried Trachea
?White Bone
?Bone Core
Rope Toys Water Buffalo Horn Section
Horn Section with rope for play and dog chew
Please let me know any inquiry for above mentioned products
We are able to supply bulk quantity on cheap price
Awaiting your reply
Thanks & Regards
Mr.AL Hanfi Qureshi
Company Name
Sarai Tareen, Sambhal UP India
Phone No. 91-5923-272501
Skype Id : alamqureshi2
whatsapp & Wechat : 00919760284271
Contact Details