Happy Tails Animal Welfare Organization, Inc. is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO) under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the Philippines. Based in Cebu, the organization is dedicated to improving the welfare of community animals through humane initiatives. Its core programs include Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR), feeding programs in partnership with local and international groups, and advocacy efforts to promote responsible pet ownership and animal protection. Happy Tails PH collaborates with private and public sectors to create sustainable solutions for the betterment of animal welfare in Cebu and beyond.
Company Profile
Product/Service We Provide: We are an animal welfare organization with a large amount of dogfood and catfood consumption. We are looking at purchasing large quantities of dogfood and catfood,
Business Type: Consultant, Distributor/Wholesaler, Other,
| Company Website URL: www.happytailsph.org
Product Range: |
- Pet Food & Technology
- Dog Products
- Cat Products
- Veterinary Medicine
Contact Details